Growing up, I didn’t have much access to technology and wasnt really aware of the magic possible with computers. I’m a lifelong learner and love finding out new things that computers can do. I’m extremely grateful for my ability to work in technology which allows me to turn my curiosity to a profession. I enjoy using technology to scratch my own personal itches as well as experiment with new ways to solve problems with tech. I am also extremely passionate in digital privacy, security, and privacy although finding a balalce of pragmatism and convienence can be a bit of an issue. I try to be practically dilligent for my own life as well as educate others on how to do the same. I am by no means an expert or as much of a hermit as I would like to be sometimes., i’m just a guy.

This website is largely a place that I created to come back and read my own notes on how I did things as I learn a bit better when I document what i’m doing. I hope you can find something useful on this site. My grammar isn’t great and i’m sure that i’m going to spell things wrong. I edit most of this through markdown files in the terminal.


I’ve been largely off of social media, but feel free to reach out in the few ways that I have available if you use them as well.

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